Quality and customer satisfaction are the hallmarks of our company. We commit ourselves on a daily basis to guarantee the quality, the efficiency and the safety of our products but also to bring you the answers to the questions that you ask yourself.

Commitment on the reliability of our devices
We know you value health and well-being. Therefore, it is our duty and our responsibility to select only quality components that comply with the strictest regulations in order to obtain a claim rate of less than 5% of the number of products sold. In addition, we strive to continually work on improving our products.

Commitment to safety
The safety and health of users is our top priority. The trust you place in our products is our main motivation and that is why quality and safety assessment is at the heart of our business. We ensure that all our devices are tested by experts and comply with applicable safety standards.

Engagement on after-sales service
We provide a dedicated and quality after-sales service to support you whatever the situation. Quality after-sales service is an integral part of our business strategy and we consider it a real added value to our products.
In this sense, we are committed to applying a response time of 24 to 48 hours in case of failure (for Metropolitan France).

Customer Relationship Commitment

We are committed to having a close relationship with you and attach particular importance to the relationship of trust.
We remain at your disposal to understand your needs and meet your expectations. Your satisfaction throughout the life of our devices is our priority to ensure your loyalty.